To get pearls, one must dive deep!

What is Easter? Easter Acrostics

It is Easter morn and as my darling wife Sangeetha, beloved son Reuben and I view the Harbor from our hotel in Hong Kong, I can’t help but wonder the beauty of God’ provision of life unto mankind. Just as the sun rises over the clouds in the Harbour, Jesus Christ rose on Easter day by the resurrection Power of God defeating the power of death, over the cloud of sin and death to give each of us a spectacular view of His beauty.

What is Easter? Easter in essence is death abolished and Life abundant.

Death – Erased, Abolished, Slayed, Terminated, Eliminated, Rescinded (EASTER)
Life – Enlivened, Abundant, Sprung, Teeming, Enlightened, Renewed (EASTER)

May you all have a God blessed Easter. Happy Easter 2011.


Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit


Beyond Belief comes Obedience

1 Comment

  1. Dr.Iris Paul

    Good thoughts — Hope as a family you will have a wonderful trip in Hong Kong — LPK amma

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