To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Blessed “Be” attitudes :: Be Poor

Matthew 5:3-12 lists eight Beatitudes that were spoken of by Jesus. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

To be blessed, one must have an attitude to be poor in spirit. In other words, one must understand that their happiness comes for their acknowledgment of their own spiritual need; that they are poor without Christ Jesus and that only in Christ Jesus is the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory theirs.
It is the acknowledgment of one’s spiritual poverty i.e., the need for Jesus, and the confession of the same, that leads to inheriting the the kingdom of heaven (of grace and glory).

We must always have a need for Jesus i.e., we must always be poor in spirit, so that the kingdom of heaven (grace and glory) can be ours.

Matthew 5:3 (KJV)
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Show-off servants


Blessed “Be” attitudes :: Be a mourner

1 Comment

  1. Your post caused me great “joy”. It’s not like it made me smile. But I know the truth of what you’ve said here. One interesting point was made that becomes a pivot. “. . . one must have an attitude to be poor in spirit.”

    It is impossible to fake being poor in spirit. Yet the closer I get to understanding the nature of Jesus, poor in spirit becomes a natural and automatic state of being.

    So many are searching for true happiness. And most will try on such Christian attributes as though they are clothing. They think the attitude of being poor in spirit is something they can gain without a direct relationship with God.

    By His Grace.

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