Today on the 4th of July, the United States of America celebrates its independence day, but sadly while freedom from tyranny and subjugation is celebrated, there are other forces that seem to subjugate and bring under bondage the inhabitants of this blessed land. The LA times, just a couple of days ago (June 29, 2011), stated that “drug addictions amongst teens is the #1 health problem in America today”.  Addictions to media, pornography, nicotine (tobacco), alcohol, marijuana, food, gambling, and even prescription drugs are very common in our day and age. So the question that begs to be asked is “Are we truly free?”

But before we can answer that question, we must first know “What is true freedom?” True freedom is freedom that goes beyond the grave. It is freedom that can be experienced and enjoyed by those who have no fear of death; not just the first (physical) death, but the second (spiritual) death as well. The only one who is truly free, is the one who believes in the Son of God; in Jesus Christ. For him/her whom the Son (of God) makes free, is the one who is free indeed.

So this independence day, ask yourself, am I truly free? If you cannot answer that with an affirmative “yes”, then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for when Jesus makes you free (from sin, its wages which is death), you are free indeed (from any of the forces of this world or the one to come).

John 8:36 (KJV)
36 If the Son [Jesus Christ] therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.