1 Chronicles 29 records the event of king David offering his personal  and precious gold and silver in order to build the house of the Lord. He asked the people, as to who was willing to consecrate their services to the Lord. The people willingly and wholeheartedly agreed to be of service in building the house of the Lord. Those who had precious stones found them and gave (with a perfect heart) to be used as a treasure in the house of the Lord. They sent these gifts through the GershoniteJehiel ( 1 Chronicles 29: 8 )

What can we learn from Jehiel?
Jehiel was trusted by the people to deliver the precious stones of the people, to the treasure of the house of the Lord. Those who believe in Jesus Christ are precious in his sight and they are living stones (1 Peter 2:5). Like Jehiel, can we be trusted to present those who are precious in God’s sight to him?

1 Chronicles 29:8 (KJV)
8 And they with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.