The book of Acts gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the  New Testament (N.T).

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) gives account of the birth and death of Christ Jesus, the bridegroom. The book of Acts gives account of the birth of the Church, Jesus’ bride. Just as the woman was made out of the man when the man was put to sleep, so also the Church is made out of Christ who was put to sleep on the Cross. Jesus is therefore the PROGENITOR of the Church

Jesus said to Peter – upon His confession, that Jesus was the Son of God, will He build HIS Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The Church does not belong to any man, but to Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus is not only the progenitor of the church, but He is also the POWER of the church. And when you shall receive this POWER (the Holy Spirit of God), you shall be witnesses unto all parts of the earth (Acts 1:8).

In Acts, Jesus is not just the progenitor of the church, but also the power of the church.

Points to ponder:
Are you part of the Church of God? In other words, have you believed in Jesus and received his Holy Spirit (the oil in the lamp) so that you are not found wanting when Jesus the bridegroom returns. Upon your/my confession, that Jesus is the Son of God, is His Church built; a Church that is powerful because Jesus is the POWER behind the Church. Have you confessed?