During our visit to the Coptic Museum in old Cairo, we came across an 18th century Akhmim style coptic painting that was displayed. It was the painting of Jesus entering Jerusalem as a king, but what caught my attention was that in the description of the artifact, it was written, “On the reverse: the Crucifixion”. The artist had painted the coronation of Jesus Christ as king as he entered Jerusalem and in the reverse painted the Crucifixion, which I first felt amusing. But a little ponderance over this painting quickly surfaced to mind a hidden truth in this art piece.

Jesus entered as a king into the earthly Jerusalem (John 12:12-13) but he entered into the heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21) as KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16) because He willingly offered to die a death on the Cross to pay our ransom and redeem us from death. The Coronation and Crucifixion of Jesus go hand in hand, like two sides of the same coin (or should I say, the same painting).

Points to ponder:
In order for Jesus to be the King of your life, you must first recognize him as your King who was Crucified and raised from the dead by the commandment of God, to be the King of kings and Lord of lords over all.