God speaks in various ways and once again he uses our six year old beloved son, Reuben to remind me of some truths that I should never forget.

After we had finished our shopping at the local Costco store, we came out of the store, only to be greeted by a torrential downpour of rain. Not having an umbrella with us, I suggested to Reuben that we wait patiently until the rain subsided before heading for our car and sang to him the song – “Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. Little Reuben wants to play. Rain, rain go away.” However, Reuben was more keen on getting to the car and going home. He expressed that waiting outside the store till the rain stopped would be a waste of time. Recognizing that if we stepped into the rain, we would be drenched completely in a couple of seconds, I told Reuben – “Why don’t you just sit down here and play until the rain stops?“, showing him my phone on which are a few games. To this Reuben quipped, “I’d rather sit down and PRAY for the rain to stop.” and sure enough he prayed. Needless to say, within a matter of minutes, the downpour lessened in its fury, and we were able to head to our car and go home.

From the mouth of babes indeed, God reminds us of some invaluable truths that we tend to forget. First, in everything, by PRAYer and petition, we ought to present our requests before God (Philippians 4:6). Second, God is in control of all things, and even the elements (winds and waves of rain) need to obey him (Matthew 8:27). Third, what may seem impossible for man is possible with God (Luke 18:27) by prayer which changes us or the situation we are in.

Points to ponder:
Instead of focusing on spending time and playing on the things that amuse us, are we recognizing and taking the time to spend time in prayer which amuses God. From my son, I learned that I’d rather sit and pray than play, and from the Word of God, I learn that I should not worry about anything, but rather by prayer and supplication, make known all my requests to God and thank him for what he has done. Have you made known all your requests to God with thankfulness? Are you going to take time to sit and pray? God is in control and what may seem impossible for you is not hard for the Lord God to accomplish, if it is in his will for you. Nevertheless, pray without ceasing and you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything you can understand.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done
Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.