The Bible teaches us to Be still and know that Who God is (Psalm 46:10), but did you know that the Bible also counsels us to Be still and know, who we are. (Psalm 4:4). We are asked to commune with our own heart and be still. In other words, we need to Be still and introspect.

We need to be still and introspect that we are standing (on our knees) in awe of God for his glory outshines all other things that glitter.
We need to be still and introspect to make sure that we have no unconfessed sin in our lives that displeases God.

Points to ponder:
When we are still, we can ponder in our hearts and introspect as to who we are (in Christ Jesus). Those who have believed in him, can be still and recognize that as the:
– Accepted of God, we can be still and know that we don’t need to be captive to any loneliness that binds us.
– Beloved of God, we can be still and know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and so we don’t need to conform to the ephemeral things of the world that define short-lived beauty.
– Child of God, we can be still and know that as our Father, God is our provider, our protection, our pillar, our preserver,  and all powerful to meet all of our needs according to his riches in glory.

Do you know who you are? Be still and commune with your own heart; Be still and introspect.

Psalm 4:4 (KJV)
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.