Jesus’ third saying from the Cross was addressed to Mary his mother and to the disciple whom he loved and it is recorded in the gospel according to the apostle John in chapter 19 verses 26 and 27. In this saying, Jesus tells Mary and the disciple standing beside the Cross,  to look (behold) at each other, and from that hour, the disciple takes her to be part of his own home (family).

Jesus addresses his mother as ‘Woman’. The very first time the word ‘Woman’ is used in the Bible, it is used in the context of establishing a family, when Adam (the first man) calls Eve (his wife) ‘woman’ as he recite the first love poem of her being the bone of his bones and the flesh of his flesh (Genesis 2:23). From the Cross again, Jesus is using the same word ‘Woman’, to address his mother, here in the context of establishing a family for her.

Also, did you notice that Jesus tells his mother and his disciple to look at each other. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, God is interested in establishing familial relationships from the Cross.

Points to ponder:
The world is attempting to redefine what constitutes a family, many a times, violating the plan that God has planned since the first family between a man and a woman, in the garden of Eden. God wants us to look (behold) at the family and accept the widows, orphans, and others who have no one for them, as our own family. After all the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross beckons us to look at (behold) God as he takes us, the Church which is the bride (woman) of Jesus Christ, to be adopted into his family. Church, Behold the Family! Behold!

John 19:26-27 (KJV)
 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!
27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.