When Abram was reasoning with Lot to settle the strife between his herdmen and Lot’s, Abram not only takes the initiative to reconcile but interestingly, he also lets Lot have the first pick.

One of the primary reasons as to why we quarrel is because we feel deprived of something that we feel we are entitled to. Secondly, we want to get what we feel is the best for ourselves and end up wanting to take more than wanting to give. And then sometimes, when others have something, we would like to have for ourselves, we continue to pursue our interests, often coveting what we should not. All these leads invariably to conflict. From the way Abram dealt with strife, we can see some valuable lessons in conflict (strife) resolution.
1. Abram saw the provisions of God in the whole land that was before him and Lot for he said “Is not the whole land before thee?”
2. Abram asks Lot to separate himself from the but in essence if you notice, it is he, who is willing to be separated for he says, if you take what is in your left, I will go to the right and if you take what is in your right, I will go to the left.
3. Abram lets Lot take the first pick.

Points to ponder:
Many a times we quarrel and fight over ephemeral things of this world, not seeing the provisions of God in all the whole earth before us. We continue in our quarrel unwilling to separate ourselves from the things of the world. Finally, we greedily select for ourselves what we feel is best, failing to let God pick the best for us. Are you/I willing to see the hand of God, providing and protecting us? Are you/I willing to separate ourselves from the world for the Lord God? Are you/I willing to let others take the first pick and allow God to pick the best for us?

Genesis 13:9 (KJV)
Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.