To get pearls, one must dive deep!

A Fountain in the wilderness

Genesis 16:7 states that the angel of the Lord found Hagar, who was fleeing from her mistress, Sarai, by a fountain of water in the wilderness. Notice, how the Bible not only describes a singular fountain of water, but it is also specific about the location of the fountain, which is in the wilderness.

Jeremiah 2:13 refers to the Holy Spirit as THE fountain (singular) of living waters. Jesus, when speaking of the Holy Spirit, describes the Holy Spirit, as one who resides within those who believe, and THE One who will flow out of the believer, as rivers of living waters; One could say, like a fountain gushing forth upward toward God and spreading sideways towards his people. Even in the wilderness of life’s situations, no matter how parched, life may seem to you, remember, that Jesus can find you there – by a fountain in your life’s wilderness.

Points to ponder:
Are you in a wilderness? If so, don’t lose hope, for Jesus Christ, the angel of the Lord, will find you there, and even in the wilderness, there will be a fountain – the fountain of living waters – the Holy Spirit – poured into all who believe.

Genesis 16:7 (KJV)
And the angel of the Lord found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.


The angel of the Lord found …


Hagar – Person, Position, Place


  1. Donna Kennedy

    Does a fountain in the wilderness mean or waterfall?

    • Hi Donna. Honestly I do not know and my personal understanding is that it was a fountain as we generally know what a fountain is and not a waterfall. The important thing is that we realize and recognize that in barren times, God can and will be our solace as a living fountain will be in parched wilderness. God bless,

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