Reuben Paul - (ISC)2 Security CongressReuben Paul, our beloved firstborn son, turns 9 years old on January 20, 2015. God has blessed him immensely as is evident from all the news reports about him, for his contributions to the world of Information Security and his accomplishments in the world of business, Kung Fu, Gymnastics, etc. However, we recognize that like all children, Reuben is a loan from above, a heritage of the Lord and we are merely his caretakers. We are more thankful to God the giver for our sons, Reuben and Ittai and are proud of God the giver, for the gift(s) – not the gift in and of themselves.

As Reuben turned nine, we penned a poem for him, which is not only our wish, but our prayer for him as well.

Reuben Paul, our beloved firstborn, our love, today you turn nine
and we thank God, who has made you finer than fine
so that you will continue to boldly, his Gospel shine
and be for Christ, a transformer, like Optimus Prime.

God has raised you high for his will, not your own
Be always his child and padawan, and all else disown
May your life be, in others, a seed that is sown
bearing manifold fruit, for with Jesus, you are never alone!

Be always fruitful by being grafted in the Vine,
Shaped daily in the hands of The Potter divine,
and when the lures of this world, try to make you fall out of line,
Remember, remember, that only in the Father’s secure hands, must you recline!

A wonderful son and a loving brother you are,
Spiritually sparring life’s issues as a soldier at war,
Keep the Word of God hidden and close, and the world afar
and serve God and his people, incessantly, as the leading [Christmas] star.

Reuben Paul, our beloved firstborn, our love, today you turn nine
and we thank God, who has chosen you, we opine
to boldly declare his Gospel and shine
and be for Christ, a transformer, a fruitful branch in the Vine. 

Psalms 127: 3 (KJV)
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

John 15:4-5 (KJV)
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.