In the test of Abraham’s faith, God had asked Abraham to go to a place that God was going to show him and sacrifice his only son, Isaac, the son whom he loved. Genesis 22:4 records that it took Abraham three days to reach the place where he was asked to go.

Three days is considerably a long journey considering the fact that at the end of that journey, he would need to sacrifice his son, Isaac and as a Father, I wondered as to all the possible excuses that Abraham could have come up with, to just turn back and not do as he was tested to. Yet, with faith, believing God, he trekked along until he came to the place where he was to offer God his sacrifice.

Points to ponder:
Faith requires patience. The test of faith in our lives may have us wait patiently on the Lord, believing in him – and, what is important is that, irrespective of the duration of time (be it a day or three days or more), we ought to remain focused and faithful to God, so that we don’t fail these tests.

Are you and I, focused and faithful, staying on the course even if the end result may not seem to be what we’d like and even if the wait may seem like it is a long time. Do you have patience? for faith requires patience.

Genesis 22:4 (KJV)
Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off.