When Abraham’s eldest servant sought out a bride for his master’s son, Isaac, from among the kindred of Abraham, as he had vowed, he had prayed and asked God to show his master kindness. In order to identify the correct girl, he reasoned with God in supplication, that the girl who not is willing to give him some water to drink but also she must be willing to quench the thirst of his camels as well, would be the girl, God ordains for his master’s son, Isaac. The fair virgin damsel Rebekah does just as the servant had reasoned with the Lord. Yet, we see from that account in the Bible, that this servant held his peace, to find out whether the Lord has made his journey a success or not (Genesis 24:21). Though Rebekah did just as the servant had requested of the Lord, there was one more requirement for Rebekah to meet – and that was whether she belong to the kindred of Abraham, which she was. But not knowing of Rebekah’s heritage, the servant continues to wait on the Lord God for confirmation.

Points to ponder: 
Many a decisions are made either emotionally or hastily without confirmation from the Lord and these have in the end been rendered futile or as ones that don’t glorify the Lord God. Are you and I willing to wait for confirmation from the Lord, even if the sign posts of our life’s requests are fulfilled as we have so reasoned. Let us not jump into conclusions, but let us wait for the Lord and his confirmation (in all matters of our life).

Genesis 24:21 (KJV)
21 And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not.