Psalm 136 can be touted as the “The Psalm of Thanks” or the “Thanksgiving Psalm.” It is a Psalm that is rich in content, apropos the character of God and since each verse in the Psalm is suffixed with “For his mercy endures forever”, it is a Psalm that is easy to read and memorize as well. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the ultimate reason of sending us his only begotten Son, we will be looking at each verse in Psalm 136 and glean out the character of God from these verses, which would be reason enough to be grateful and give thanks to our LORD God.

Today we look at Verse 15.
But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.

As God guided and made the people pass through the midst of the Red sea, through the watery walls, after his people passed over safely, the Lord caused the waters to return and drowned the chosen captains of Pharaoh and Pharaoh with his hosts (armies) in the Red sea (Exodus 15:4). In other words, he overthrew the most powerful ruler of that time along with his army.

Points to ponder:
What is that powerful thing or who is the powerful person that rules and govern over our life? Remember, God is far greater and the absolute powerful one. He can overthrow the rulers and the armies, in our lives that seek to enslave us, for he is the Overthrower of rulers and armies – and that is reason enough to be thankful for. Submit to God for he is all powerful, who can overthrow the enslaving rulers and their armies in our lives.

Psalm 136:13-14 (KJV)
15  But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.