IttaiToday (March 20, 2016) our second born son, Ittai Aidan Paul, turned four years old and we penned a poem for him that we’d like to share. Our prayer is that you read this and be blessed and edified.

Ittai, our beloved second born, today you turned four;
a testament of God’s goodness and the blessings He does pour
as we traverse through life’s journey on this side of the shore
seeing in you, God’s inexplicable love, which leads us to Him adore.

A strong willed child, like the patriarch Jacob, you are
refusing to let go until you are blessed, staying in the fight to spar
Our prayer is that you will channelize that obstinacy to be God’s star
submitting your self to His will, and for God go far.

A loving brother and a wonderful son in you, we see
not readily accepting things but questioning all things curiously;
such quest for rationale, we pray you will use to search the Scripture (Bible) daily
and see God’s Son, Jesus, revealed in his word, is our earnest plea.

Your prayers are simple, yet profound in its content
asking God to care for the orphan and those in lament;
seeking His face, we hear your plea fervent
and ask God to make you his worker, his warrior, his servant.

Ittai, our beloved second born, today you turned four
and we pray that like Jesus grew, you also do, more
growing in wisdom, in stature, and in God and man’s favor
You are much loved for the blessing you are – we just can’t ask for more!

Psalm 127:3 (KJV)
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.