To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Day: March 25, 2016

Total Surrender at the Cross :: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit

Jesus’ seventh and final saying on the Cross before he gave up the ghost was “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” which was addressed to God, his Holy Father. In this saying, we see Jesus’ total surrender to God, into God’s holy hands – from which no man can pluck (John 10:29).

Points to ponder:
Jesus totally surrendered  himself at the Cross. Today, he expects the same from you and me. Can we look at him today, and totally surrender over selves into his hands. Can we say, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

Luke 23:46 (KJV)
46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Belonging On the Cross :: It is Finished

Jesus’ sixth saying on the Cross was “It is finished.” which is not particularly directed to anyone specifically, but was a profound declaration of the all of creation, the new state of affairs – the world forever changed – as the devil, the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and his power over man, which is death (Hebrews 2:14), was finished. The words, “It is finished” comes from the Greek word “Tetelastai” which means paid in full.

When we owe a mortgage on a property, until that property is paid off in full, we cannot claim total ownership of that property. The moment we pay the loan in full, the rights of ownership is transferred along with the title of that paid property to us.

Points to ponder:
Jesus declared that it is finished. In other words, he was saying that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), but those wages have been paid in full – there is no more payment needed for those who have receive him and who believe in him. Jesus bought us with his own life and now he holds the title of ownership of our life in his hands. We belong on the cross, but because of Jesus taking our place, we now belong to him, if we believe in him. Where would you like to belong – on the Cross or in the hands of Christ? Considering the fact, that it (the work of Salvation) was finished, this should be a easy question to answer.

John 19:30 (KJV)
30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Craving on the Cross :: I thirst

Jesus’ fifth saying from the Cross, which is “I thirst” has often been expanded as one which was the result of his physical needs for being quenched due to dehydration or metaphorically as one in which Jesus thirsted for the souls of those lost and those who had not yet placed their trust in him.

Points to ponder:
The dictionary defines the word “thirst” as a strong or eager desire or craving. How could the one who is the very source of living waters thirst? I would like to believe that Jesus strongly desired or craved for the restoration of mankind unto God, which was the mission he had come to accomplish and having known that all things he had come to accomplish was accomplished, in order to fulfill the scripture, he cried out, I thirst (John 19:28). In other words, Jesus strongly craved for your and me on the Cross.

In a world that is lonely and desolate, we can take solace in the fact, that Jesus craves and desires to be in a relationship with us. The question that begs to be answered to then is “Do you have a strong and eager desire to be in relationship with God?” “Do you crave for Jesus?”

John 19:28 (KJV)
28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst

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