The account in the 30th chapter of the book of Genesis begins with a sad state of affairs within a family – the family of Jacob. Rachel the second wife of Jacob who was relatively loved more by Jacob was barren, while Leah, Rachel’s sister and first wife of Jacob, had borne him four sons (Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah) for the Lord had opened her womb. And when Rachel saw that she was empty, instead of seeking God for his blessings and praising God for her sister’s fruitfulness, she envied her own sister (Genesis 30:1).

Points to ponder:
Sometimes when life situations make us feel barren and empty, we can easily react as Rachel did.  Instead of seeking God for his blessings we can end up becoming envious of those whom the Lord God blesses bountifully, including our loved ones. What this demonstrates is not God’s character for he is just, but our own selfish character. It shows that we do not trust God of his sovereignty and that we do not rely on God for his provisions. It demonstrates that we do not love, for love does not envy (1 Corinthians 13:4).
Emptiness can breed envy. In other words, it can breed hate. The question that remains then is – will you let it to?
Love is patient, Love is kind, Love does envy.

Genesis 30:01 (KJV)
01 And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.