When Jacob came out of Padanaram, in the land of Shechem (Genesis 33:18), and arrived at Bethel, God reappeared to him (Genesis 9:15) and blessed him. After blessing him, what God does first is He renames Jacob and tells him that he shall no longer be called Jacob, but he will be called Israel. Did you know that this is the second time God is renaming Jacob? The first time was when Jacob encountered and wrestled with God (Genesis 32:28) before he had met his brother Esau and reconciled.

Some observations that are noteworthy include:
1. When Jacob wrestled with God, he clung to God and refused to let go, pleading to be blessed (Genesis 32:26). Here without any plea, God takes the initiative to bless Jacob. Jacob’s act of obedience to move out of his house in Shechem, in a land that he ought not to have remained (Genesis 33:17), to a place that he recognized was the House of God (Bethel means The Beth (house) of El (God – Elohim)), resulted in blessings (Genesis 35:9). Obedience to the Lord is a reflection of one’s love for God (John 14:15) and when our faith is expressed in action, we are blessed to be a blessing.
2. The renaming of Jacob a second time is a reminder for Jacob to change his ways. Note even after God had told him that he would be called Israel and Jacob had had a name change, his heart had not changed. Even after his brother had reconciled with him, Jacob continued to deceive him by lying to him and telling him that he will follow Esau to where Esau was going, but instead, he went to Padanaram in Shechem and made for himself a house and booths for his cattle (Succoths) (Genesis 33:12-17) that brought a lot of trouble, involving rape, deception, murder, and dishonor to him and his family (Genesis 34). He continued to be a deceiver (supplanter) as his name meant, which was evident from his continued lying. God had to remind him that he was no longer to be called Jacob but that his life must reflect the character of Israel (who struggled with God) instead of continuing to deceive others and himself (James 1:22).

Points to ponder:
When we believe (have faith) in Jesus Christ and place our trust in him, moving out of our old lifestyle to come to a place in our life where God is worshipped and reigns, it is important to recognize that being called Christians and not living as Christians can be dangerous, disastrous and bring dishonor to God. Do you and I need to be reminded of who we are, if God was to appear to us now? Would he find us still living a Jacob – deceptive lives – or will he find us worthy of ones who struggle to live as sons and daughters of God? Will you and I have to be renamed?

Now if you have never believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, this is your time to believe and accept him to be your God and he will give you a new name – a name that signifies that you belong to him – a Christ-one or Christian.

Genesis 35:9-15 (KJV)
And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padanaram, and blessed him.
10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.