Juxtaposing Jacob’s renaming, the second time, in Bethel (Genesis 35:10), God reveals a name by which Jacob is to know him by. God identifies himself as God Almighty which in Hebrew is El Shaddai (Genesis 35:11).

When Jacob wrestled with God, God asked him his name and Jacob, who had used his brother Esau’s name to lie and deceive his earthly father, had to confess and admit that he was Jacob (Genesis 32:27-28). Then Jacob asked for God’s name but did not receive an answer (Genesis 32:29). Now, God does not ask for Jacob’s name (again) and instead renames him (again). And what is more noteworthy is that though unsolicited, God reveals to Jacob that He shall be known to him as God Almighty i.e., El Shaddai. It is the same name by which God had identified Himself to Abraham (Genesis 17:1). Israel was to experience the almighty omnipotent essence of God. Later God would make a mention of this to Moses, when he will reveal to Moses, of his essence of just being, not just as being God Almighty, but All-all-things (i.e., All sufficient one) as he will reveal his name as the Great I AM (Yahweh) (Exodus 6:2-3).

Points to ponder:
The word Shaddai appears forty-eight times in the King James Version of the Bible as illustrated. Twice it is rendered as Almighty God, five times as God Almighty, and forty-one times as just Almighty. The word Shaddai always renders as Almighty and we need to be reminded of God as Almighty in our walk as Christians (after a name change reflecting we belong to Christ); God will mention to Moses that He is the Great I AM (Yahweh which when rendered under the constraints of linguistics as the All Sufficient One) and for one to recognize that He is Yahweh, they must also recognize him as God Almighty (El Shaddai).

Eventually, everything centers around Jesus Christ who said that all power in heaven and on earth is given to Him (Matthew 28:18). The fullness of God dwells in Him (Colossians 2:9). Jesus and God the Father (Yahweh) are one in essence (John 10:30). Jesus is God Almighty. Jesus is El Shaddai. Have you identified Jesus as the El Shaddai in your life? In Christ, you and I can experience the almighty omnipotent essence of God! Do you believe in him? Jesus alone is Almighty and All Sufficient for you!

Genesis 35:9-15 (KJV)
10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;