Welcome, to the Paul Family blog, where we share with you (our family and friends and the rest of the world) information about ourselves, our lives, activities, God’s Love and Gift, and muse and ramble about anything and everything that crosses the orbits of our lives.

The Paul family consists of Sangeetha Johnson (Mama Paul), Reuben Abishai Paul (RAPst4r), Ittai Aidan Paul (IP man), and Mano Paul (Dada Paul).

Mano is a graduate of the Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Biblical and Theological Studies, and he was ordained into the Pastoral service as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Sept 2021.  His passion, besides studying the Bible and teaching it, includes hacking, shark biology, and ping pong. Mano also holds an Executive MBA from the University of Texas, McCombs School of Business, and serves as the founder and CEO of an AI and cybersecurity firm, PRISMAGuard LLC. He has served as CTO and Technical Fellow in global companies like Dell, General Motors, and Driven Brands.

Reuben’s and Ittai’s grandparents on Mama Paul’s side are Johnson Tharian and Gracy Johnson. Reuben’s grandparents on Dada Paul’s side are (Late) Dr. R.A.C. Paul and Dr. Iris G.R. Paul – pioneering missionaries to the tribal hills in Orissa, India, whose life story is published in the book – “Pioneering on the Pinda

Reuben’s and Ittai’s uncles and aunts are Willy and Salome Johnson, Santosh and Ticy Johnson, Remo and Susan Paul, David Livingston Paul and Daya Gaddala, and Mary Smrutha Paul-Gaddala.

Reuben’s and Ittai’s cousins are Sharon Willy, Steven Willy, Doreen Santosh, Darren Santosh, Adarsh Stephen Paul, Jai Daniel Paul, Nirbhay Joshua Paul, Adil Paul, and Tamara Jade Gaddala.

This blog site was created as a means to keep family and friends who are near and far appraised of the events, activities, news, and updates that occur in the Paul family and to share the Krypto (hidden) treasures (pearls) in God’s infallible word, the Bible.

You are welcome to read, peruse, and comment on the postings and celebrate with us the goodness that God has faithfully allowed us to experience. News of every kind, good and bad, happy and sad, important and not, etc., will be posted – so stay tuned.

Enjoy, and God bless you and yours richly …