It is Father’s day in the year of the Lord 2015 and we celebrated Father’s day by starting our day in his presence and meditating on his Word. Being blessed with a wonderful wife (Sangeetha) and two sons (Reuben and Ittai) who are gifts from above, I am highly favored by the Lord. In the evening we went skating and watching movies and I felt so loved and grateful to God for my family and life.

On Father’s day, many recognize their earthly fathers and I wondered if I was by any chance a role model. As my mind pondered, I was thinking about Abraham as a Father and if he could be a role model to us now. The very thought of being willing to sacrifice your own son, whom you love, was indeed a hard pill to swallow and I quickly wrote Abraham off, as a role model – one whom I would not want to follow – dreading at the very thought that I would miserably fail the test of Abraham, if I was placed in such a predicament. Then I realized (which I believe was by the prompting of the Holy Spirit) that Abraham was able to go through that test because he knew the very nature of God.

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his own son to demonstrate his love for God, because he recognized and knew that God as The Father was also willing to sacrifice his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) to demonstrate his love for man. God demonstrated his great love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ Jesus his Only begotten Son, who was given for us, was sacrificed for us (Romans 5:8; John 3:16; Hebrews 10:10).

Points to ponder:
The real Role model Father is not Abraham, but God the Father himself. Are you and I willing to follow The Role Model – God, Our Father? He is a father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5) and our Abba, Father.