To get pearls, one must dive deep!

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Eloi Abba … for thy Holy Name sake

The Pauls - 2019 Promise CardsEloi Abba, with grateful hearts, we praise thee
for your providence, protection and preservation perpetually
and above all, for your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, on Salvation’s tree
solely by whom, mankind can reunite with thee, Almighty.

Oft, as wayward sheep, from your flock, I strayed
beguiled by the ancient snake, I waved
Yet my soul, ye restore & lead me in righteous path, ye paved
not for my name, but for thy Holy Name sake

My beloved, ye reminded to be humble
putting on the mind of Christ, lest she stumble
for humility and the fear of the Lord is the ensemble
lest riches, honor and life, she fumble

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding come from above
reminded this thee, to our first-born, who ye greatly love
May your Holy Spirit hover over him as a baptismal dove
consecrating and covering him, when the world its temptations on him shove.

May our second-born fear ye Lord, so ye encamp
around him, O angel of the Lord, Salvation’s Lamp
delivering him from the fowler snare – the thief’s clamp
Be to him Lord, his one and only champ

Eloi Abba, with grateful hearts, we praise thee
for your providence, protection and preservation perpetually
and above all, for your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, on Salvation’s tree
solely by whom, mankind can reunite with thee, Almighty.

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, thinking about the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is an expressions of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), remember Our God’s (Eloi) goodness, grace and love as our Father (Abba).

During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), we picked promise cards for each one in the family. The poem is written by compiling the verses from our promise cards, as a personal reminder to us, but we pray that you personalize this for yourself by replaced the pronouns and words like “our” with “me” or “my” and any personal pronoun with your name or “I”.

The promise  cards picked for 2019.
For Reuben (our firstborn): 6 For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)
For Ittai (our secondborn): 7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. (Psalm 34:7)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. (Proverbs 22:4)
For Mano: 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3)


A line-by-line exegesis of the poem [in square brackets] is given below:

Eloi Abba, with grateful hearts, we praise thee
[We praise God (Eloi) – who being God, adopts us into his family so we can call him Father (Abba) – Mark 15:34; Romans 8:15]
for your providence, protection and preservation perpetually
[God our Father, not only provides, but he protects and preserves our life, perpetually – Genesis 22:14; Psalm 18:2; Psalm 41:2]
and above all, for your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, on Salvation’s tree
[but our highest praise is for Jesus Christ, God’s Only begotten Son who died for us on the Cross – John 3:16; Galatians 3:13]
solely by whom, mankind can reunite with thee, Almighty.
[and there is no other name given under heaven or earth, by which man can be saved – Acts 4:12]

Oft, as wayward sheep, from your flock, I strayed
[Many a times, I heeded not to the voice of the Shepherd’s Spirit, and yielded to fleshly lusts]
beguiled by the ancient snake, I waved
[tricked by the devil, the snake – Revelation 12:9]
Yet my penitent soul, ye restore & lead me in righteous path, ye paved
[and when I repented, he restored the joy of Salvation and continued to lead me – Psalm 51; Psalm 23:3]
not for my name, but for thy Holy Name sake
[for he is a merciful and loving God, true to his word that will fail not – Psalm 23:3]

My beloved, ye reminded to be humble
[Humility is key is what my beloved wife (Sangeetha) was reminded – Proverbs 22:4]
putting on the mind of Christ, lest she stumble
[For Christ was humble despite being God, leaving his glory to save us – Philippians 2:5-7]
for humility and the fear of the Lord is the ensemble
[Humility and the Fear of the Lord are like two sides of the same coin- Proverbs 22:4]
lest riches, honor and life, she fumble
[and its wages is riches, honor and life – Proverbs 22:4]

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding come from above
[The source of wisdom, knowledge and understanding is God himself – Proverbs 2:6]
reminded this thee, to our first-born, who, ye greatly love
[Reuben, our first-born who loves God dearly was reminded of this through his promise card]
May your Holy Spirit hover over him as a baptismal dove
[Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit of God is always above him as he appeared at Jesus’ baptism – Matthew 3:16]
consecrating and covering him, when the world its temptations on him shove.
[setting him aside and covering him so that he does not yield to worldly temptations – Psalm 91:4]

May our second-born fear ye Lord, so ye encamp
[The promise card for our second-born son, Ittai]
around him, O angel of the Lord, Salvation’s Lamp
[was that the angel of the Lord surround those who fear him; Christ is the angel of the Lord and he is the light (lamp) of our Salvation – Psalm 34:7]
delivering him from the fowler snare – the thief’s clamp
[God delivers those who fear him from the devil’s snare and clutches – Psalm 91:3]
Let him always keep you Lord, his one and only champ
[Our prayer is that Ittai keep the Lord to be the champion in his life]

Eloi Abba, with grateful hearts, we praise thee
[We praise God (Eloi) – who being God, adopts us into his family so we can call him Father (Abba) – Mark 15:34; Romans 8:15]
for your providence, protection and preservation perpetually
[God our Father, not only provides, but he protects and preserves our life, perpetually – Genesis 22:14; Psalm 18:2; Psalm 41:2]
and above all, for your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, on Salvation’s tree
[but our highest praise is for Jesus Christ, God’s Only begotten Son who died for us on the Cross – John 3:16; Galatians 3:13]
solely by whom, mankind can reunite with thee, Almighty.
[and there is no other name given under heaven or earth, by which man can be saved – Acts 4:12]

Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem, Carpe Vitam, O excelsis Deo

Loving Father, Gracious Son, Convicting Holy Ghost
Invite ye, this new year, not as a guest, but The Host
Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem, Carpe Vitam, O God Most High
Trusting, Waiting, Knowing, Learning, solely on, of, thee, we draw nigh

To lean not on my own understanding, but to TRUST in you, my Lord
Acknowledging you in all my ways, with my heart, soul, mind, strength, in one accord
Fetter me with your Love, lest my feet wander astray
And direct me Lord, for you are The Truth, The Life, The Way

On wings as eagles, my beloved shall mount you assured
Help her WAIT upon you, which this frenetic world will find absurd
Renew her strength as she labors sacrificially in love
Hold her Lord, help her Lord and make her soar above

To our firstborn love, you commanded to be still and KNOW you, the Great I AM
For to know you is eternal life, O God, O Agnus Dei, God’s Lamb
Let him be still but not silent, in action, as your Love and Grace declare
On bended knee, may he unceasingly seek you first, is our earnest prayer

Lead our beloved secondborn, in your truth, so he may LEARN
To wait upon you and to trod in your path, may he yearn
For broad are the worldly paths, that lead to destruction
Be thou to him, O God, his Salvation

Be thou our Guide Lord, and the satisfier of our soul in drought
May we be rooted in you, so our lives, your Spirit fruit sprout
Loving not just you, our Savior but also our neighbor
Heartily as to you, O Lord and not men, be our incombustible labor.

Abba Father, Saving Son, Quickening Holy Ghost
invite ye, into our life, not as a guest but The Host
Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem, Carpe Vitam, O excelsis Deo
Trusting, Waiting, Knowing, Learning, we draw nigh to thee, The Godhead trio.

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, thinking about the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is an expressions of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), allow the Lord God Most High (excelsis Deo) to seize our day (carpe diem), our night (carpe noctem) and our life (carpe vitam).

During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), we picked promise cards for each one in the family. The poem is written by compiling the verses from our promise cards, as a personal reminder to us, but we pray that you personalize this for yourself by replaced the pronouns and words like “our” with “me” or “my” and any personal pronoun with your name or “I”.

The promise  cards picked for 2018.
For Reuben (our firstborn): 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)
For Ittai (our secondborn): Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. (Psalm 25:4-5)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
For Mano: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Sine Verbis (Without Words)

sineverbisAs the darkness wanes, and a new year dawns,
God’s resolute Spirit, we pray, in us, He spawns
a clean, contrite and submitting heart that loves him above all
to speak volumes sine verbis, heeding His call.

To speak volumes, sine verbis, came your word to me,
to harness my tongue, fear not, stand firm and see
me fighting your battles victoriously
and to declare your Salvation by actions, sine verbis.

For faith without action is dead;
and You vowed to make crooked places straight, to my beloved,
going before her, cutting in sunder iron bars and breaking gates of brass. 
Let her speak volumes sine verbis, lead her en masse.

Our firstborn’s plans you know, you say
plans to prosper him and not harm, along life’s way
giving him a future and a hope, so his fears allay
so he can be Your witness, speaking volumes, sine verbis, we pray.

Be blessed by the Lord, and be given increase
was the word, our secondborn received
and as he grows, may he have The Creator’s peace
growing in the fear of the Lord, speaking volumes, sine verbis.

To your people you declared, Be Still and know that you alone are God;
exalted you will be above all, comforting us, our staff and our rod
Lead us, Our Soul’s good Shepherd; we are your sheep,
besides still waters, to speak volumes with our lives, sine verbis.

As the darkness wanes, and a new year dawns,
God’s resolute Spirit, we pray, in us, He spawns
a clean, contrite and submitting heart that loves him above all
and to love man, speaking volumes sine verbis, heeding His call.

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, thinking about the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is an expressions of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), focus solely on the Lord God and live our lives with actions and not merely words. In other words, we seek to serve God by practicing what he teaches us and not merely preaching. During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), we picked promise cards for each one in the family. The poem is written by compiling the verses from our promise cards, as a personal reminder to us, but we pray that you personalize this for yourself by replaced the pronouns and words like “our” with “me” or “my” and any personal pronoun with your name or “I”.

The promise  cards picked for 2017.
For Reuben (our firstborn): 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
For Ittai (our secondborn): 14 The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. 15 Ye are blessed of the Lord which made heaven and earth. (Psalm 115:14-15)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: (Isaiah 45:2)
For Mano: 13 Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. 14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:13-14)

2017 Promise Cards - The Paul Family

A line-by-line exegesis of the poem [in square brackets] is given below:

As the darkness wanes, and a new year dawns,
[January 01, 2017]
God’s resolute Spirit, we pray, in us, He spawns

[Psalm 51:10]
a clean, contrite and submitting heart that loves him above all

[Psalm 51:10, 17; James 4:7; Matthew 22:37]
to speak volumes sine verbis, heeding His call.
[Psalm 51:10, 17; James 4:7; Matthew 22:37; 1 Samuel 3]

To speak volumes, sine verbis, came your word to me,
[Promise verse for Mano – Exodus 14:13-14]
to harness my tongue, fear not, stand firm and see
You fighting my battles victoriously
and to declare your Salvation by actions, sine verbis.
[Exodus 14:13-14]

For faith without works is dead;
[James 2:26]
and You vowed to make crooked places straight, to my beloved,
going before her, cutting in sunder iron bars and breaking gates of brass.
[Promise verse for Sangeetha – Isaiah 45:2]
Let her speak volumes sine verbis, lead her en masse.
[Ruth 1:16]

Our firstborn’s plans you know, you say
plans to prosper him and not harm, along life’s way
giving him a future and a hope, so his fears allay
[Promise verse for Reuben – Jeremiah 29:11]

so he can be Your witness, speaking volumes, sine verbis, we pray.
[Matthew 5:16; Acts 1:8]

Be blessed by the Lord, and be given increase
was the word, our secondborn received
and as he grows, may he have The Creator’s peace
[Promise verse for Ittai – Psalm 115:14]
growing in wisdom, stature, in favor of God and man, speaking volumes, sine verbis.
[Psalm 34:11; Luke 2:52]

To your people you declared, Be Still and know that you alone are God;
[Psalm 46:10]

exalted you will be above all, comforting us, our staff and our rod
[Psalm 46:10; Psalm 23:4]

Lead us, Our Soul’s good Shepherd; we are your sheep,
[Psalm 46:10; Psalm 23:1,4; 1 Peter 2:25]
besides still waters, to speak volumes with our lives, sine verbis.
[Psalm 23:2]

As the darkness wanes, and a new year dawns,
[January 01, 2017]
God’s resolute Spirit, we pray, in us, He spawns

[Psalm 51:10]
a clean, contrite and submitting heart that loves him above all

[Psalm 51:10, 17; James 4:7; Matthew 22:37]
and to love man, speaking volumes sine verbis, heeding His call.
[Psalm 51:10, 17; James 4:7; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30-31; 1 Samuel 3]

Our Hearts Ye Mend

At the break of dawn the period we are in comes to an end
and we beseech thee LORD God, to us your ear lend,
and pray that in this new year, to your will, our lives, we bend
forgive us of our secret willful sins; we ask, our hearts ye mend!

Mend us Lord to love you and to love all men

and gather us again as your brood, our mother hen,
delivering us from the evil one, in your sheep’s pen
as we hear your voice and follow you, keeping not just one command but all ten

To our firstborn, you affirmed not once but twice
that you are indeed Jehovah-Rophe, who paid the price,
restoring us all back to spiritual health, to the devil’s surprise,
and that O LORD is the greatest of all wealth, we solely apprise.

To our secondborn, your word was given
that you are his everlasting light, as darkness was driven
when you came into this world, which for salvation was striven
and found that only by your blood, can all of creation be forgiven

To my beloved, your word came
assuring that “Emmanuel” indeed is your Name.
“To fear not or be dismayed”, in life’s game
for you are her strengthener and helper, our God – the same.

You promised me that you will satisfy my needs and be my guide
and I pray that, you in me and I in you, always abide,
lest in the beggarly worldly things I pride and backslide,
O LORD God, over our lives, you solely and sovereignly preside.

At the break of dawn the period we are in comes to an end
and we beseech thee LORD God, to us your ear lend,
and pray that in this new year, to your will, our lives, we bend
forgive us of our secret willful sins; we ask, our hearts ye mend!

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, thinking about the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is an expressions of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), focus solely on the Lord God who can mend our hearts to Love him and love all. During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), we picked promise cards for each one in the family. The poem is written by compiling the verses from our promise cards, as a personal reminder to us, but we pray that you personalize this for yourself by replaced the pronouns and words like “our” with “me” or “my” and any personal pronoun with your name or “I”.

The promise  cards picked for 2016.
For Reuben (our firstborn): 17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after. (Jeremiah 30:17)
For Ittai (our secondborn): 20 Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. (Isaiah 60:20)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): 10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)
For Mano: 11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. (Isaiah 58:11)

Promise Cards 2016

A line-by-line exegesis of the poem [in square brackets] is given below:

At the break of dawn the period we are in comes to an end
[January 01, 2016]
and we beseech thee LORD God, to us your ear lend,
[Psalm 17:6, Psalm 86:10]
and pray that in this new year, to your will, our lives, we bend

[Luke 22:42]
forgive us of our secret willful sins; we ask, our hearts ye mend!
[Psalm 19:12; Ezekiel 11:19]

Mend us Lord to love you and to love all men
[Matthew 22:37-39]
and gather us again as your brood, our mother hen,
[Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34]
delivering us from the evil one, in your sheep’s pen

[Matthew 6:13;John 10:11-18]
as we hear your voice and follow you, keeping not just one command but all ten
[John 10:27; John 14:15]

To our firstborn, you affirmed not once but twice
[Promise verse for Reuben – Jeremiah 30:17]
that you are indeed Jehovah-Rophe, who paid the price,
[Jeremiah 30:17; John 19:30]

restoring us all back to spiritual health, to the devil’s surprise,
[Psalm 23:3; Hebrews 2:14-15]

and that O LORD is the greatest of all wealth, we solely apprise.
[Psalm 71:15-16]

To our secondborn, your word was given
[Promise verse for Ittai – Isaiah 60:20]
that you are his everlasting light, as darkness was driven
[Isaiah 60:20; 2 Corinthians 4:6]
when you came into this world, which for salvation was striven
[Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16; Romans 8:22]
and found that only by your blood, can all of creation be forgiven
[Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:22]

To my beloved, your word came
[Promise verse for Sangeetha – Isaiah 41:10]
assuring that “Emmanuel” indeed is your Name.
[Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23]
“To fear not or be dismayed”, in life’s game
[Isaiah 41:10; Luke 1:30]

for you are her strengthener and helper, our God – the same.
[Isaiah 41:10; Hebrews 13:8]

You promised me that you will satisfy my needs and be my guide
[Promise verse for Mano – Isaiah 58:11]
and I pray that, you in me and I in you, always abide,
[John 15:2-5 {the Church’s theme verse for 2015}]
lest in the beggarly worldly things I pride and backslide,
[Galatians 4:9; Galatians 6:14]
O LORD God, over our lives, you solely and sovereignly preside.
[Psalm 47:8; Colossians 3:15]

At the break of dawn the period we are in comes to an end
[January 01, 2016]
and we beseech thee LORD God, to us your ear lend,
[Psalm 17:6, Psalm 86:10]
and pray that in this new year, to your will, our lives, we bend

[Luke 22:42]
forgive us of our secret willful sins; we ask, our hearts ye mend!
[Psalm 19:12; Ezekiel 11:19]

The Giver (not the gift)

At the dawn of another year,
Lord, help us to be bold and not fear,
seeking not the approval of men,
but laboring for your harvest, counting suffering gain.

To and through our first-born, your word came:
To trade the old for the new,
and we pray, that you are always in our view,
and that, we experience your faithfulness & mercy, each morn as dew
and be counted, not among the many, but the few.

To and through our second-born, you promised:
Leveling the mountains before you will I go,
breaking the gates of brass and cutting asunder iron, so that you will know
that you summon us by our name, to give us hidden treasures
May you, Oh Lord, may you always be our sole pleasure.

To and through my beloved, you assured:
That we are your delight, and the humble, you crown with salvation
as we work in your vineyard, declaring to all nations,
that to believe in Jesus calls for a (heavenly) celebration;
so may this be, not merely our aspiration, but truly our vocation.

To me and through me you declared:
That your favor around us will always be like a shield;
as we co-labor for your harvest in this temporary field
with your Word in our hearts; the sword of the Spirit we can wield
and totally to you, Oh Lord, our lives we yield.

When from your way, we are lured to drift
force us with your love to remember, repent and return our lives to you, as our gift
so that we may correctly and aptly, your name lift
For Lord God, it is all about you, the Giver (not the gift).

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, thinking about the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is an expressions of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), focus solely on the Lord God, The Giver of all good things and not on ourselves or our gifts (children, talents, etc). During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), my wife and I picked promise cards for each one in the family. The poem is written by compiling the verses from our promise cards, as a personal reminder to us, but we pray that you personalize this for yourself by replaced the pronouns and words like “our” with “me” or “my” and any personal pronoun with your name or “I”.

The promise  cards picked for 2015.
For Reuben (our first-born): 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24)
For Ittai (our second-born): I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. 3 I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (Isaiah 45:2,3)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvatiom. (Psalm 149:4)
For Mano: Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12) 

A line-by-line exegesis of the poem [in square brackets] is given below:

At the dawn of another year,
[January 01, 2015]
Lord, help us to be bold and not fear,
[Acts 4:29]
seeking not the approval of men,
[Colossians 3:23 {which is the Church’s theme verse for 2015}]
but laboring for your harvest, counting suffering gain.
[Matthew 9:37; Acts 5:41]

To and through our first-born, your word came:
[Promise verse for Reuben – Ephesians 4:22-24]
To trade the old for the new,
[Ephesians 4:22-24]
and we pray, that you are always in our view,
[Psalm 27:4]
and that, we experience your faithfulness & mercy, each morn as dew
[Lamentations 3:22-23]
and be counted, not among the many, but the few.
[Matthew 22:14]

To and through our second-born, you promised:
[Promise verse for Ittai – Isaiah 45:2,3]
Leveling the mountains before you will I go,
[Isaiah 45:2]
breaking the gates of brass and cutting asunder iron, so that you will know
[Isaiah 45:2]
that you summon us by our name, to give us hidden treasures
[Isaiah 45:3]
May you, Oh Lord, may you always be our sole pleasure.
[Psalm 73:25]

To and through my beloved, you assured:
[Promise verse for Sangeetha – Psalm 149:4]
That we are your delight, and the humble, you crown with salvation
[Psalm 149:4]
as we work in your vineyard, declaring to all nations,
[Matthew 21:28-29; 1 Chronicles 16:24]
that to believe in Jesus calls for a (heavenly) celebration;
[Luke 15:7]
so may this be, not merely our aspiration, but truly our vocation.
[John 6:38 – Jesus’ one-line autobiography should be ours as well]

To me and through me you declared:
[Promise verse for me (Mano Paul) – Psalm 5:12]
That your favor around us will always be like a shield;
[Psalm 5:12]
as we colabor for your harvest in this temporary field
[1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:1; Matthew 9:37; 1 John 2:17]
with your Word in our hearts; the sword of the Spirit we can wield
[Psalm 119:11; Ephesians 6:17]
and totally to you, Oh Lord, our lives we yield.
[1 Kings 8:61]

When from your way, we are lured to drift
[Mark 4:19; James 1:14-15]
force us with your love to remember, repent and return our lives to you, as our gift
[Revelation 2:5]
so that we may correctly and aptly, your name lift
[John 3:14-15; John 12:32]
For Lord God, it is all about you, the Giver (not the gift).
[John 3:16; James 1:17]

Only Love

With the break of dawn of another year, here,
Lord, let me not stop my ear
but incline it to thee with reverential fear
for your word says, “He who has an ear, let him hear.”

“Let all that you do, be done with love” is your command
and when I see you face to face, and you demand
an account of my life, as I enter heaven’s gate
May I be able to sum it as “Only Love, no hate.”

To love you first, for you first loved me,
May all the days of this year and my life be
and to love fellow men as I would myself
locking all four forms of pride and hate, in a keyless shelf.

Your promise to our firstborn
was that you will always watch over him and keep him from all harm.
To our second born, you avowed
that with unfailing kindness and an everlasting love, have you him, loved.
My beloved received this affirmation
that you have set her feet on The Rock solid foundation.
and to me, O LORD, you pledged
that you are a shield around me and it is you who lifts up my head.

Faith in you I have, and in it, let me stand fast,
Eagerly awaiting your return, my hope in you, I cast,
But the greatest of these that remain, is love, that is, charity
for without it, despite all my gifts, I must file for bankruptcy.

Let me learn to forgive, and by that set myself free
from the prison of hate that jails no one else but me
and to owe no one nothing, save love, is my plea
Only Love, no hate, no hate, Love Only.

With the break of dawn of another year, here
Lord, let me heed to your word, with my mind clear
To love like you did sacrificially and do all things with charity
Only Love, no hate, no hate, Love Only!

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk: 
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, reminiscing on the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead,this poem is requisition of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), have love, only love, in our lives.During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), my wife, Reuben and I picked promise cards for each one in the family and the cards we picked were as follows:

For Reuben (our first born): The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. (Psalm 121:7-8)
For Ittai (our second born): The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. (Jeremiah 31:3)
For Sangeetha (my beloved): He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. (Psalm 40:2)
For Mano: But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. (Psalm 3:3)

This poem references those promises so that it can remind us of God’s promise to each one of us personally. Additionally, by way of voting (poll), the theme that was picked for the ACFI church was “Let all your things be done with charity” taken from 1 Corinthians 16:14, which is also referenced in the poem as a reminder.

It is written with pronouns such as ‘I’, and ‘me’ to make it personal to the reader. I reckon you substitute your name or your family’s wherever appropriate to personalize this poem for yourself and be edified.

An explanation of the poem in square brackets has been given below. There are some sections of the poem that may need further explanation, and if you need any clarifications or have comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. God bless.

With the break of dawn of another year, here,
[January 1st, 2014]
Lord, let me not stop my ear
but incline it to thee with reverential fear
[Lord, let me listen to your voice respectfully]
for your word says, “He who has an ear, let him hear.”
[and heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit of God; Revelation 3:22]

“Let all that you do, be done with love” is your command
[Church theme verse – 1 Corinthians 16:14]
and when I see you face to face, and you demand
[1 Corinthians 13:12]
an account of my life, as I enter heaven’s gate
[Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10]
May I be able to sum it as “Only Love, no hate.”

To love you first, for you first loved me,
[Matthew 22:37; Matthew 6:33; 1 John 4:19]
May all the days of this year and my life be
[Psalm 90:12]
and to love fellow men as I would myself
[Mark 12:31]
locking all four forms of pride and hate, in a keyless shelf
[The four forms of pride are pride of education, pride of  beauty, pride of authority and pride of wealth]

Your promise to our firstborn
was that you will always watch over him and keep him from all harm.
[Reuben’s promise card – Psalm 121:7-8]
To our second born, you avowed
that with unfailing kindness and an everlasting love, have you him, loved.
[Ittai’s promise card – Jeremiah 31:3]
My beloved received this affirmation
that you have set her feet on The Rock solid foundation.
[Sangeetha’ s promise card – Psalm 40:3]
and to me, O LORD, you pledged
that you are a shield around me and it is you who lifts up my head.
[My promise – Psalms 3:3]

Faith in you I have, and in it, let me stand fast,
[1 Corinthians 16:14]
Eagerly awaiting your return, my hope in you, I cast,
[Revelation 22:20]
But the greatest of these that remain, is love, that is, charity
for without it, despite all my gifts, I must file for bankruptcy.
[1 Corinthians 13:1-3]

Let me learn to forgive, and by that set myself free
from the prison of hate that jails no one else but me
[Ephesians 4:32]
and to owe no one nothing, save love, is my plea
Only Love, no hate, no hate, Love Only.
[Romans 13:8]

With the break of dawn of another year, here
Lord, let me heed to your word, with my mind clear
[Romans 12:1-2]
To love like you did sacrificially and do all things with charity
[Ephesians 5:25]
Only Love, no hate, no hate, Love Only!

On a deeper note, the Bible says that God is Love and Jesus is God, which means Jesus is Love – He is Love personified and so “Only Love” also means “Only Jesus.”

Remember ye not … but Rely

We come to the end of another year and many of usually reminisce and reflect back on the year gone past. Often a roller-coaster of memories – some of good and others of bad, some of successes and others of failures, some of plenty and others of need and barrenness, etc. flood our minds and it is usually the tendency of the human mind to dwell on the things that have gone by.

With the start of another new year, what does the Scripture tell us to do? The Lord, our Holy One, the creator of the Church (Israel) and our King, who makes a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters, says, “Remember not the former things, neither considers things of old. Look, he will do a new thing and it shall spring forth and he will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:15-19)

Points to ponder:
With the arrival of another year, let us not dwell on the past … let us remember not the former things neither consider things of old, but let us instead rely on The Lord, the Holy One, our Creator and King to show us ways in the sea and paths in the mighty waters, to show us his way in the wilderness and his refreshing rivers in the parched deserts of our lives. Remember ye not the past … but Rely on the Lord for the present and the future.

Isaiah 43:15-19 (KJV)
15 I am the Lord, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King.
16 Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;
17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.
18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Make me strong

Jesus, my LORD, my God, as the new year dawns,
my earnest prayer is that you make me strong,
for through you, I can do all things
and to this promised word, I cling, my King.

Give me a new heart that is after your very own
One that will be faithful to the end, and never you disown.
Put in me, your Holy Spirit who renews
so that through my life and my lips, I will not your name misuse.

Help me to endure all trials and temptations
and through them not forget to fear you and love you by keeping your commandments
for in it, is my whole duty; my life’s summation
that I may receive the crown of life, at the coronation.

Every word of yours is pure, and I put my trust in you, so be my shield
as I sow you, Saving SEED, in this perverse and faithless field
that find your gift of Grace and Love offensive, who refuse to yield
to your Sovereignty and futilely their idiocy against you wield.

Let me not have my eyes on the perishable things below
but let me seek and set my affection on the things that are above.
Let me die to sin and self, since I am risen with you
being your appointed watchman, on the streets, the pulpit and the pew.

As the god of this world and the world brings me distractions,
let me never lose focus and always exercise my faith in you only with action.
So that with you and your people, all my interactions
will bring God the glory and you total satisfaction.

Jesus, my LORD, my Savior, as the new year dawns
my earnest prayer is that you make me strong
for ONLY through you, I can do all things
and to this promised word, I cling, my King.

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk: 
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, reminiscing on the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead,this poem is requisition of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben, Ittai and me), are in STRONG through Christ Jesus.During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), my wife, Reuben I picked promise cards for each one in the family and the cards we picked were as follows:

For Mano: If ye be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)
For Sangeetha: Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30:5)
For Reuben: Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12)
For Ittai: A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.  (Ezekiel 36:26)

This poem references those promises so that it can remind us of God’s promise to each one of us personally. Additionally, by way of voting (poll), the theme that was picked for the ACFI church was “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” taken from Philippians 4:13, which is also referenced in the poem as a reminder.

It is written with pronouns such as ‘I’, and ‘me’ to make it personal to the reader. I reckon you substitute your name or your family’s wherever appropriate to personalize this poem for yourself and be edified.

An explanation of the poem in square brackets has been given below. There are some sections of the poem that may need further explanation, and if you need any clarifications or have comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. God bless.

Jesus, my LORD, my God, as the new year dawns,
[Jesus is my personal LORD and God – January 1st, 2013]
my earnest prayer is that you make me strong,
for through you, I can do all things
and to this promised word, I cling, my King.
[Philippians 4:13; Not only is Jesus my LORD and my God, but my King as well]

Give me a new heart that is after your very own
[Ittai’s promise card  – Ezekiel 36:26]
One that will be faithful to the end, and never you disown.
[Matthew 24:13]
Put in me, your Holy Spirit who renews
[Ittai’s promise card – Ezekiel 36:26]
so that through my life and my lips, I will not your name misuse.
[Titus 1:16]

Help me to endure all trials and temptations
[Reuben’s promise card – James 1:12]
and through them not forget to fear you and love you by keeping your commandments
for in it, is my whole duty; my life’s summation
[Ecclesiastes 12:13; John 14:15 – If we love Jesus, we will keep his commandments]
that I may receive the crown of life, at the coronation.
[Reuben’s promise card – James 1:12]

Every word of yours is pure, and I put my trust in you, so be my shield
[Sangeetha’s promise card – Proverbs 30:5]

as I sow you, Saving SEED, in this perverse and faithless field
[Matthew 1:21; Genesis 3:15; Luke 9:41; John 16:9]

that find your gift of Grace and Love offensive, who refuse to yield
[John 6:61]

to your Sovereignty and futilely their idiocy against you wield.
[Romans 1:21; Acts 26:14]

Let me not have my eyes on the perishable things below
but let me seek and set my affection on the things that are above.
[Mano’s promise card – Colossians 3:1-2]
Let me die to sin and self, since I am risen with you
being your appointed watchman, on the streets, the pulpit and the pew.
[Ezekiel 3:16-22; The Song of Solomon 3:3; Isaiah 26:1; Nehemiah 7:3]

As the god of this world and the world brings me distractions,
[2 Corinthians 4:4; James 4:4]

let me never lose focus and always exercise my faith in you only with action.
[Hebrews 12:1-2; James 2:17]

So that with you and your people, all my interactions
will bring God the glory and you total satisfaction.
[Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 5:16]

Jesus, my LORD, my Savior, as the new year dawns
[Jesus my LORD, my God and my SALVATION]

my earnest prayer is that you make me strong
for ONLY through you, I can do all things
[Not by might, not by power, But By Jesus Christ and only by His Spirit in me]

and to this promised word, I cling, my King.
[Jesus, the KING OF KINGS – my King]

Constant Communion

O Lord, it is the first of the year
And this, my earnest request, I pray thee hear
That with you, ‘I have Constant Communion
For fruitless will I be, without that union.’

‘Behold, I come quickly’, came your word
And in me, your Holy Spirit stirred
And on this impending Truth, I gird
So please show me each moment, my prayer you heard.

In my family that loves you, I see
That your favor is life for life, and not momentary
And in all of the issues that life deals
We can hold fast, for with your stripes we are healed.

No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, you promise.
And on this, help me have the faith of the centurion, not Thomas.
And in the coming year, anticipating your return, our lively hope
Help me to lean on you at all times, when atop mountains, in valley depth or any slope.

Fixing my eyes on Jesus, let me march into battle
Bridle my tongue, lest I dishonor you by my prattle
In your presence, let my words be few
So I may experience your faithfulness and mercy, each day anew.

O Lord, it is the first of the year
And this my earnest request, I pray thee hear
This one thing, I desire and seek
To love you and be loved by you, I plead.

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we arrived at the beginning of a new year, reminiscing on the year gone past and looking forward to the year ahead, this poem is requisition of our hearts, that in the coming year, my family (Sangeetha, Reuben and the one, soon to be born), and I are in CONSTANT COMMUNION with God.

During the watchnight service on December 31st, at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI), my wife and I picked promise cards for each one in the family and the cards we picked were as follows:
For Mano: … in his favor is life (Psalm 30:5)
For Sangeetha: … with his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5)
For Reuben: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper … (Isaiah 54:17)
For our son (to be born): Blessed be God, … for he has begotten us into a lively hope … (1 Peter 1:3)
This poem references those promises so that it can remind us of God’s promise to each one of us personally. Additionally, by way of voting (poll), the theme that was picked for the ACFI church was “Be Ye Ready for Jesus Christ” taken from Revelation 22:12, which is also referenced in the poem as a reminder.

It is written with pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘we’ to make it personal to the reader. I reckon you substitute your name or your family’s wherever appropriate to personalize this poem for yourself and be edified.

An explanation of the poem in square brackets has been given below. There are some sections of the poem that may need further explanation, and if you need any clarifications or have comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your comments and thoughts are most welcome. God bless.

O Lord, it is the first of the year
[January 1, 2012]

And this, my earnest request, I pray thee hear
[Incline thy ear unto me; Psalm 102:2]

That with me, ‘I have Constant Communion
[My new year’s request to Abide in Christ; John 15:5-8]

For fruitless will I be, without that union.’
[For without Christ, I can do nothing; John 15:5]

‘Behold, I come quickly’, came your word
[Revelation 22:12]

And in me, your Holy Spirit stirred
And on this impending Truth, I gird
[The return of the Lord to reign is not only impending but inevitable; 2 Peter 3:9]

So please show me each moment, my prayer you heard.

In my family that loves you, I see
[In Sangeetha, my wife (a favor from the Lord), I see God’s love and forgiveness and my Son, Reuben, reminds me of God’s unconditional presence, provision and protection as a father to me; Proverbs 18:22]

That your favor is life for life, and not momentary
[My promise card – Psalm 30:5]

And in all of the issues that life deals
We can hold fast, for with your stripes we are healed.
[Sangeetha’s promise card – Isaiah 53:5]

‘No weapon formed against thee shall prosper’, you promise
[Reuben’s promise card – Isaiah 54:17]

And on this, help me have the faith of the centurion, not Thomas.
[Prayer for a faith that marvels Christ and not be one who doubts his word; Hebrews 11:1, Luke 7:9, John 20:29]

And in the coming year, anticipating your return, our lively hope
[Reference back to Revelation 22:12 and the promise card that was picked for our son, who is to be born; 1 Peter 1:3]

Help me to lean on you at all times, when atop mountains, in valley depth or any slope.
[Trust in the Lord at all times and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5]

Fixing my eyes on Jesus, let me march into battle
[Hebrews 12:2, Ephesians 6:10-18]

Bridle my tongue, lest I dishonor you by my prattle
[James 3:1-10]

In your presence, let my words be few
[Ecclesiastes 5:2]

So I may experience your faithfulness and mercy, each day anew.
[Great is his faithfulness and his mercies are new every morning; Lamentations 3:22-23]

O Lord, it is the first of the year
And this my earnest request, I pray thee hear
This one thing, I desire and seek
[Beholding God’s beauty, until we see him face to face upon his return; Psalm 27:4]
To love you and be loved by you, I plead.
[To love God and to be loved by Him is what makes CONSTANT COMMUNION with him possible, for if we love him with all of our heart, all our of soul, all of our mind, all of our strength; we will obey him and keep his commandments and we will abide in him and be fruitful as he expects us to be; John 14:15, John 15:7-8]

I wonder why

Lord, with the rising of the sun, a new day does dawn
and as I reminisce of the days gone by, I wonder why
I, a mortal sinner am beloved by a God who is Love personified!

What You have in store for me,
I pray that I will see
and this is what I pray,
that in all things I trust and obey.
May my heart yearn after your own
and through me, your GOSPEL sown.

May I always seek to conform to your image
and not be held the world’s hostage.
To die to sin and self is my plea
and exercise my soul each day on my knees.
Each moment I pray, to me you speak
so that O King, of yours, a faithful servant, I’ll be.
To be pure and prepared I earnestly seek,
Looking unto Jesus who can make me complete.

Should you exalt me, Lord,
let yours be all the glory.
Should you humble me, Lord,
may my life be still a story
that brings honor to Your Name
whether it is pleasure or pain, famine or fame.

Should it be Lord, that by Your plan
my breath should fail and my life pass,
let those who succeed me, remember me
merely as a sinner redeemed by the Cross,
for my fruits and not my gifts,
for each soul that to Your Kingdom I lift,
not for the things I have done in this world,
but for those in the one to come.

Lord, with the rising of the sun, a new day does dawn
and as I reminisce of the days gone by, I wonder why
I, a mortal sinner am beloved by a God who is Love personified!

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