To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Category: Poetic Prompts

Are you a Bridge Builder?

As I was reading the poem, “Are you a Bridge Builder?” whose author is purported to be the acclaimed Will Allen Dromgoole, it made me wonder if what is said of the old man in the poem could be said of me? I pray that it could and pray that it could be of you as well.

An old man going a lone highway
came at evening, cold and gray
to a chasm vast and deep and wide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim,
the sullen stream had no fear for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side,
and built a bridge to span the tide.
“Old man” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“You are wasting your strength by building here,
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again will pass this way;
You’ve crossed the chasm deep and wide,
Why build you this bridge at eventide?

The builder lifted his old gray head,
“Good friend, in the path I’ve come,” he said,
“There followeth after me to-day
A youth whose feet must pass this way;
This chasm that has been naught to me,
To this fair youth may a pitfall be;
He, too must CROSS in the twilight dim —
Good friend, I’m building this bridge for him

God the Father gave Jesus Christ, his Son two pieces of wood and three nails and asked Him to build a bridge for man to access God. Jesus laid one piece flat on the ground to signify his act of humility and placed the other perpendicular to signify the access for fallen man from the deep miry pit of sin and death to reach up to God. He then placed Himself on the two pieces of wood and the three nails driven into his hands and feet held the Cross bridge together for man to reach God. He is the master bridge builder and he built a bridge known as the CROSS for us to reach God.

The Latin word Pontifex, used for the council of priests in Rome literally means “bridge builder”. We are royal priests, a.k.a., royal bridge builders ( 1 Peter 2:9) and the Pontifex maximus which literally means “greatest bridge builder” is the High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is established forever (Hebrews 5:5,6). Like the old man in the poem, those who have crossed over from death to life by believing in Jesus (safe on the other side), are we taking the time to build the bridge that restores relationship of those who don’t know Jesus Christ with Him by showing them the bridge Jesus built? Can you/I be called a bridge builder for God?

1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood [bridge builder], an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the [bridge called the CROSS that JESUS built and sing the] praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Showing – Knowing God

It is nine years since Sangeetha and I have been married
and as I pondered on times past,
a roller coaster deluged my mind of emotions varied
and memories that eternally last.

I realized how she has always been a good friend,
a sacrificial, caring and loving wife
and an excellent mother with whom I intend
to spend my remaining life.

Now as we go from this year to next,
I pray that we both together
can vow as per the Holy text
To always love one another

And that we may both grow
loving one another; for in doing so
we demonstrate (show) that we know
Jesus Christ, from whom rivers of living water flow.

For Jesus is Love personified
and the only God bonafide
And everyone that loves is born of God from above
and knows God for God is love.

1 John 4:7-8 (KJV)
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

I wonder why

Lord, with the rising of the sun, a new day does dawn
and as I reminisce of the days gone by, I wonder why
I, a mortal sinner am beloved by a God who is Love personified!

What You have in store for me,
I pray that I will see
and this is what I pray,
that in all things I trust and obey.
May my heart yearn after your own
and through me, your GOSPEL sown.

May I always seek to conform to your image
and not be held the world’s hostage.
To die to sin and self is my plea
and exercise my soul each day on my knees.
Each moment I pray, to me you speak
so that O King, of yours, a faithful servant, I’ll be.
To be pure and prepared I earnestly seek,
Looking unto Jesus who can make me complete.

Should you exalt me, Lord,
let yours be all the glory.
Should you humble me, Lord,
may my life be still a story
that brings honor to Your Name
whether it is pleasure or pain, famine or fame.

Should it be Lord, that by Your plan
my breath should fail and my life pass,
let those who succeed me, remember me
merely as a sinner redeemed by the Cross,
for my fruits and not my gifts,
for each soul that to Your Kingdom I lift,
not for the things I have done in this world,
but for those in the one to come.

Lord, with the rising of the sun, a new day does dawn
and as I reminisce of the days gone by, I wonder why
I, a mortal sinner am beloved by a God who is Love personified!

Can Humpty Dumpty be put together again?

Humpty DumptyAs I pondered over what I should write on the aspect of ‘brokenness’ for Hidden Treasures today, I was reminded of the poem, Humpty Dumpty, that we are all probably at least aware of. And then, the poet in me was quickened and given below is what resulted, provided for your reading pleasure.

The premise of the poem is based on the scripture verse found in Psalm 51:17

Psalm 51:17 (KJV)
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Mano Paul sat on a wall
Mano Paul had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Could not put Mano Paul together again

But then THE KING said, Come on here
I cannot bear to see your eyes tear
My potter hands mend and My Spirit will restore
Your shattered and broken life stronger than before

Now Mano Paul has leaped over the wall
And Mano Paul has no fear to fall
For each time he does, he looks up to see
That he is indeed in the King’s hand and his heart fills with peace

Now I reckon that you personalize this by re-reading this poem by replacing my name with yours.

Line by line explanation of the poem, for those interested –

Mano Paul sat on a wall
(Life on a wall with God on one side and the world on the other)
Mano Paul had a great fall
(Toward the side of the world, falling in sin and living under its bondage)
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
(All of the world’s efforts)
Could not put Mano Paul together again
(were futile in restoring the relationship back to God, putting you back on the other side of the wall)

But then THE KING said, Come on here
(Jesus, THE KING of Kings beckons, come follow me – Luke 18:22)
I cannot bear to see your eyes tear
(Jesus will wipe away all your tears – Revelation 7:17)
My potter hands mend and My Spirit will restore
(We are clay in the potter’s hand to be fashioned according to God’s plan – Jeremiah 18:6; The blind man sight was restored, and he saw clearly when Jesus put his hands on his eyes – Mark 8:25)
Your shattered and broken life stronger than before
(And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies – Psalm 105:24)

Now Mano Paul has leaped over the wall
(Moved from sin unto salvation, from the side of the world to the side of God, when you believe in the restoration by Jesus – Hebrews 9:28)
And Mano Paul has no fear to fall
(The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down – Psalm 37:23-24)
For each time he does, he looks up to see
(I will life up mine eyes … my help comes from the Lord – Psalm 121:1-2)
That he is indeed in the King’s hand and his heart fills with peace
(For the Lord upholdeth the good man in his hands – Psalm 37:24; Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.- Isaiah 26:3)

Mano Paul sat on a wall
Life on a wall with God on one side and the world on the other
Mano Paul had a great fall
Toward the side of the world, falling in sin and living under its bondage
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Could not put Mano Paul together again
The world efforts (king’s horses and men) were futile in restoring the relationship back to God
But then THE KING said, Come on here
Jesus (THE KING) beckons, come follow me (Luke 18:22)
I cannot bear to see your eyes tear
Jesus will wipe away your tears (Revelation 7:17)
My potter hands mend and My Spirit will restore
We are clay in the potter’s hand to be fashioned according to his plan (Jeremiah 18:6); After that Jesus put his hands again upon the blind man eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly (Mark 8:25)
Your shattered and broken life stronger than before
And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies (Psalm 105:24)
Now Mano Paul has leaped over the wall
Moved from sin unto salvation, from the side of the world to the side of God, when you believe in the restoration by Jesus (Hebrews 9:28)
And Mano Paul has no fear to fall
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down (Psalm 37:23-24)
For each time he does, he looks up to see
I will life up mine eyes … my help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121:1-2)
That he is indeed in the King’s hand and his heart fills with peace
For the Lord upholdeth the good man in his hands (Psalm 37:24); Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

TigerOne of the songs that we jam to, on Guitar Hero World Tour, is the ever famous “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor (1982), the same song that is the backdrop to Sylvester Stallone’s movie – Rocky. Listening to this song, got me thinking as to what was so special about the Eye of the Tiger. Undoubtedly, it is intimidating, captivating and hypnotic to say the least.

The more, I pondered, the more, I felt myself bewildered and my mind wandered. I started to reminisce about a poem, I learned when I was a little child; the poem “The Tiger” by William Blake.

Excerpts of the poem are given below –

Stanza 1
Tiger Tiger Burning Bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Stanzas 2,3 (skipped)
Stanza 4
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water’d heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Stanza 5 (skipped)

Inquisitiveness to explore further, to glean the depth of the meaning, made me realize that while the poem may seem to be talking about one of God’s most beautiful and fearsome creation – The Tiger, it’s really about the creator God, the one who is immortal (whose immortal hand and eye it was), who fashioned and framed the Tiger (could frame thy fearful symmetry?). He is the same God who fashioned the Lion and the Lamb (Note the question posed by the poet – Did He who made the lamb make thee?).

Colossians 1:15-18 records the preeminence of Jesus Christ in all of Creation and verse 16 reads. For by him (Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.

Everything (the Burning Bright Tiger, you, me …), absolutely everything, was created by God and for God. This is something that should never be forgotten. We are made in God’s image, For GOD. and when God sees us, can it be asked – Did He smile His work to see?

Image Credits –

Not Mine, Not Mine, Not Mine …

LORD, a period  (year) has come and gone by
and as I reminisce, I ponder, Why
me, a mortal of the dust modified
even today, am as valuable as the apple of Your eye!

With the ebb and flow of life, I floated
and when events unveiled my way, with pride, I bloated
but when health and wealth not as I wanted unfolded, I viled
only to realize now, that in you, my providence was always control as you simply smiled

A broken and a contrite heart, You will not despise
and with that hope and promise, I now stand wise
never again to hurt Your heart, I pray
lest I run the race in vain and at the end be a castaway

Even when through the vale of death’s shadow and uncertainty, I tread
With You on my side, I have nothing to dread
Cause the panorama of my life, before my eye you spread
Let my life be like Yours, abundantly alive, not dead

Reach the Unreached, me an Ambassador’s task You gave
and oft in that edict, I waved
to show ‘tween the crosses (of repentance and rebellion), You on your Cross (of Redemption) bridged as ‘The Way’
and showcase You, the glorious light of ‘The Truth’, ‘The Life’, hidden in me, a jar of clay

Many a times, Lord, of Your expectations, I waned
and some mortals and You, You alone, O Lord, I pained
Yet every morning, like refreshing dew, Your mercies rained
and Faithfulness, GRACE and Salvation, I gained

Forgive me Lord, when at times, on the problems I gaze
and help me Lord, that from this moment on, it’s on Your promises, I daze
and let me not crawl, nor walk, but run the race
not by my might, nor by my power, but by Your Spirit, His pace

When the Lion roars, the beasts of the field stand still
Help me to know my place and Yours as Lord and be still
I beseech thee, O Lord, that You, me with thy Holy Spirit fill
and as the break of yet another period (year) dawns,
Not Mine (in thought), Not Mine (in word), Not Mine (in deed) Lord, be done, but Your will

LORD, a period (year) has come and gone by
and as I reminisce, I ponder, Why
me, a mortal of the dust modified
even today, am as valuable as the apple of Your eye!

From the Author’s/Poet’s Desk:
As we come to the end of another year looking forward to the next, this poem is  reflection of my family (Sangeetha, Reuben) and my life, in the past year and requisition of our hearts, that it not be Mine, not Mine, not Mine for the coming year. It is written with pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’ to make it personal to the reader. Words in parenthesis are not meant to be part of the poem, but for the readers understanding, it has been provided.  There are some sections of the poem that may need further explanation, and if you need any clarifications or have comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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