To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Tag: Ecclesiastes 9:11


Today, I had the privilege of bringing God’s word to the ekklesia of believers at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India and the topic that the Lord had laid in my heart, for the edification of his people, the Church including myself was Nameless.

Synopsis of the message is given below :-
God has kept us ALIVE (Joshua 14:10)
Time (Life) and Chance (Opportunity) is given to all (Eccl 9:11)
So are we trying to make a Name for ourselves as those during the time of the building of the Tower of Babel did (Genesis 11:4-6), seeking one or more of the following – Power, Position, Prestige, Pleasure or Popularity
are we trying to become Nameless (like the unnamed Centurioun soldier, unnamed slave girl in Naaman’s household, unnamed lepers at the gate of the city, unnamed widow that gave all that she had)

What is our pursuit?
What are we living for?

There are no titles (CEO, Janitor etc) on Tombstones and at the Foot of the Cross all are made equal with one universal title – Servant (well done faithful servant or be gone unfaithful servant).

To become nameless was to become the unnamed Altar (Acts 17:23-34) so that those who don’t know Christ, will know Him through us and that our lives will become the altar on which God accepts the lives of those who are accepting, believing and confessing.

God has kept us alive and given us time and chance – let us live Nameless lives, so that the one with the Name above all names is glorified.

Yet another Friday, the 13th !

On February 13th, I wrote on Friday, the 13th as a lucky day. It is interesting that this year, we have March 13th, yet another Friday, that falls on the 13th day of the month. Since Friday the 13th is most widely connoted with luckiness, I feel led to write a little more about this topic.

We sometimes tell about someone we deem as successful, that they have been really lucky or they were at the right time at the right place. Interestingly, the Bible states that each one of us have been given the means to succeed – Time and Chance (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

Time is not necessarily talking about age, but the breath of life that is given to us, each moment.
Chance is not necessarily talking about fate, but about the opportunities that God brings to each one of us.

So next time, you think of someone else as being lucky, think that you can be lucky as well, because, God has given us the elements that can make us successful (in his Kingdom business).

Point(s) to ponder:

Remember it is not always the swiftest that wins the race, not always the strongest that wins the battle, not always the wise that wins the bread, not always the understanding that wins the riches and not always the skillful that wins the favor – but each one of us have been given what it takes – time and chance!

  1. What are you/am I doing with your/my life (time given)?
  2. Are we cognizant of the opportunities (chance) that God gives unto us, so that we can make a difference in the lives of others?

Ecclesiastes 9:11
11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

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