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Tag: God who remembers

Thanksgiving Series: God, The Redeemer

Psalm 136 can be touted as the “The Psalm of Thanks” or the “Thanksgiving Psalm.” It is a Psalm that is rich in content, apropos the character of God and since each verse in the Psalm is suffixed with “For his mercy endures forever”, it is a Psalm that is easy to read and memorize as well.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the ultimate reason of sending us his only begotten Son, we will be looking at each verse in Psalm 136 and glean out the character of God from these verses, which would be reason enough to be grateful and give thanks to our LORD God.

Today we look at Verse 24.
And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever.

This verse starts with the word “and” implying that God not only remembered his people (as the previous verse stated) but also redeemed them from their enemies. God is not only a God, who remembers his people and leaves them in their low estate. Instead, God is an Action God who acted on the situation that his people were subjected to, due to their own disobedience, and redeem them for their enemies.

Points to ponder:
On Christmas, God acted on the situation of hopelessness that was the outcome of man’s disobedience and sin, and sent his son to redeem us, whom he remembered in our state of being slaves to sins. Man was made (deemed) upright when God created him (for he was created in the image of God), but man sought to follow his own downward path  (Ecclesiastes 7:29; KJV & NLT) and disobeyed God, which warranted God to send us his son, to Re-Deem us worthy of being upright before God. Jesus redeemed us from the enemy – Satan and his power, which is death – for everyone who believes in Jesus shall have eternal life. Are you redeemed? In other words, do you believe in Jesus as your Lord, Savior, King and Redeemer?

Psalm 136:24 (KJV)
24 And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Thanksgiving Series: God, who Remembers us

Psalm 136 can be touted as the “The Psalm of Thanks” or the “Thanksgiving Psalm.” It is a Psalm that is rich in content, apropos the character of God and since each verse in the Psalm is suffixed with “For his mercy endures forever”, it is a Psalm that is easy to read and memorize as well.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the ultimate reason of sending us his only begotten Son, we will be looking at each verse in Psalm 136 and glean out the character of God from these verses, which would be reason enough to be grateful and give thanks to our LORD God.

Today we look at Verse 23.
Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:

This verse establishes the fact that God remembered his people when they were in their low estate. The people of Israel were subject to physical bondage and slavery in the hands and lands of their oppressors. As slaves they were in real low estate. But God did not forget them and remembered them.

Points to ponder:
Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes, that God’s covenant is an everlasting covenant because it does not hinge on our remembrance of him, but instead it relies on his remembrance of us. When we were still sinners and enemies of God, sinking in the horrible pit of sin (Psalm 40:2), subject to spiritual bondage, God remembered us in that low estate, and sent us his son, Jesus Christ, the Rock of our Salvation, on whom he set our feet on (Psalm 40:2), so that we would not drown. He remembered us in our low estate as he did the Israelites.

You may have forgotten God and about God and gone your wayward ways like the prodigal son, but you can be assured that God does not and will never forget you. He remembers you even today, seeking for you to remember. Remember, Repent and Return to God (Revelation 2:5), who like the father of the prodigal son is ever willing to accept you back, no matter what. (Luke 15:11-32).

Psalm 136:23 (KJV)
23 Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:

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