To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Tag: God’s sacrifice

Lessons from the Lamb – one for all

God created man to have a relationship with him; Man disobeyed (sinned against) God; This separated man from God; For man’s sin, a price had to be paid! God wanted to punish sin, and not the sinner (man) and so He had to come up with a way;
This is where the lamb comes in –  As a payment for sin, a lamb (that is perfect without any blemish) had to be sacrificed; But this payment (sacrifice) had to be paid every year;

Man continued to sin and sacrifice, sin and sacrifice ad infinitum;

God had to do something and his love for man was so great, that he took the form of the son of Man, and became the Lamb of God;
He came to earth in the form of a baby, named Jesus, which means that He will save His people from their sins; (Note : His people, their sins)
But when John the Baptist, a harbinger prophet, who was pronouncing God’s redemptive plan that will break the circle of sin and sacrifice saw Jesus, He did not call him Jesus, but instead, recognized Jesus to be the Lamb of God (that taketh away all the sins of the world). He said, Behold Jesus (look at Him)  – the Lamb of God (withouth blemish, perfect in all)

This Lamb of God (Jesus) was slain, and his vesture dipped in blood, a blood that purifies you and me from all our sinfulness. Before Jesus died on the cross, where he was crucified so that we (man) may not be punished, he said – Tetelastai, meaning It is finished, paid in full. The payment for sin was complete and no other sacrifice is necessary for man to be restored into the relationship with God. His sacrifice is one for all.

Are you in relationship with this God, who loves you dearly? Do you know the the Lamb of God?

If not, let me reiterate
the cry in the wilderness by a prophet (John the Baptist)  – Look at Jesus, the Lamb of God, who can take away all our sins.
the call of a messianic prophet (Isaiah) –  Come reason with Jesus and he will make us clean (righteous) before God.

John 1:29
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

P.S: The image in this post is a photo I shot in Brazil and the inscription in it is in Portuguese, which states God’s promulgation to mankind, that Jesus (pictured as the Lamb of God) is His Son with whom He (God) is well pleased. Click on the picture for a clearer view.

God’s sacrifice, our substitute

Jesus Christ is

Note: How ‘U’ and ‘I’ are in between the three crosses.
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