To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Tag: I and the Father are one

God is El Shaddai

Juxtaposing Jacob’s renaming, the second time, in Bethel (Genesis 35:10), God reveals a name by which Jacob is to know him by. God identifies himself as God Almighty which in Hebrew is El Shaddai (Genesis 35:11).

When Jacob wrestled with God, God asked him his name and Jacob, who had used his brother Esau’s name to lie and deceive his earthly father, had to confess and admit that he was Jacob (Genesis 32:27-28). Then Jacob asked for God’s name but did not receive an answer (Genesis 32:29). Now, God does not ask for Jacob’s name (again) and instead renames him (again). And what is more noteworthy is that though unsolicited, God reveals to Jacob that He shall be known to him as God Almighty i.e., El Shaddai. It is the same name by which God had identified Himself to Abraham (Genesis 17:1). Israel was to experience the almighty omnipotent essence of God. Later God would make a mention of this to Moses, when he will reveal to Moses, of his essence of just being, not just as being God Almighty, but All-all-things (i.e., All sufficient one) as he will reveal his name as the Great I AM (Yahweh) (Exodus 6:2-3).

Points to ponder:
The word Shaddai appears forty-eight times in the King James Version of the Bible as illustrated. Twice it is rendered as Almighty God, five times as God Almighty, and forty-one times as just Almighty. The word Shaddai always renders as Almighty and we need to be reminded of God as Almighty in our walk as Christians (after a name change reflecting we belong to Christ); God will mention to Moses that He is the Great I AM (Yahweh which when rendered under the constraints of linguistics as the All Sufficient One) and for one to recognize that He is Yahweh, they must also recognize him as God Almighty (El Shaddai).

Eventually, everything centers around Jesus Christ who said that all power in heaven and on earth is given to Him (Matthew 28:18). The fullness of God dwells in Him (Colossians 2:9). Jesus and God the Father (Yahweh) are one in essence (John 10:30). Jesus is God Almighty. Jesus is El Shaddai. Have you identified Jesus as the El Shaddai in your life? In Christ, you and I can experience the almighty omnipotent essence of God! Do you believe in him? Jesus alone is Almighty and All Sufficient for you!

Genesis 35:9-15 (KJV)
10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;

Jesus in the NT :: Mark

The book of Mark gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the  New Testament (N.T).

Attributed to be written by John whose surname was Mark (Latin Marcus) (Acts 12:25), the book of Mark has a dual focus on the work of Jesus; His SERVICE and SACRIFICE. The crux of the message of Mark can be found in one verse, in Mark 10:45, which reads “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Mark portrays Jesus to be the Servant and the Savior.

In the vision that Ezekiel had, one of the faces of the creatures with four faces is that of an Ox (Ezekiel 1:10). For those who have been raised in India, the sight of oxen being yoked with one another and plowing the field in servitude is a common sight. Jesus said I am the Father are one (John 10:30), meaning that he was One (yoked) with God (1 Timothy 2:5), in God’s mission of reconciliation of man to Himself and He came to serve unto Salvation (1 Timothy 2:6). In other words, Jesus was yoked and serving God.

In Mark, Jesus is The Servant of God, who came to SERVE and to SAVE. He is THE perfect Servant, with whom God was well pleased (Mark 1:11) for His great faithfulness in finishing the work of Salvation that God has ordained unto Him (John 19:30).

In Mark, Jesus is The Servant-Savior!

Points to ponder:
We have to be yoked in carrying the Cross with Christ and and we must serve Him. I believe the account of Simon the Cyrene carrying the Cross with Christ, along via dolorosa (the way of suffering) is to demonstrate to us that we are to share in the suffering of Christ and carry the Cross with Him. Simon the Cyrene, in the recorded account is said to have been compelled (forced) to carry the Cross (Mark 15:21). In the movie, The Passion of the Christ, the actor who played the part of Simon the Cyrene says the following words, when he is forced to carry the Cross of Christ: “Let everyone know that I am an innocent man forced to carry the Cross of a condemned man.” How ironic? It is we (and Simon the Cyrene) who are all condemned, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), but it was Jesus Christ, an innocent man (2 Corinthians 5:21) who carried our Cross, not the other way around. We are the condemned and our Cross was carried by an innocent sinless man.

Now the turn is ours to repay that kindness and grace as we are called/commissioned, not compelled, to carry our Cross and follow Jesus. (Mark 8:34)

There are many Christians who want to serve, but not carry the Cross. As Christians, i.e., followers of Christ, the cross should be on our shoulders as we are co-laborers with Him (1 Corinthians 3:9) plowing the field to receive the seed and be fruitful, i.e., preparing the hearts of those who hear the good news of Jesus, the Servant-Savior. We are called to SERVE Christ as he served and become his voice to SAVE others from condemnation by sharing the good news of Jesus’ SERVICE and SACRIFICE.

Our duty is to be yoked with Jesus Christ and be a faithful servant of The Perfect Servant so we can receive the accolade “Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord” (Matthew 25:23) when the Lord returns.

What kind of a father is Jesus?

We all celebrated father’s day 2010 yesterday and I thank God for having granted me the privilege of being an earthly father to Reuben Abishai Paul (RAP). As I reminisced about father’s day, I was reminded of my own biological father, Dr. R.A.C. Paul,  who on the 30th day of September, 1986 passed away from this ephemeral world to enter into an eternal kingdom. And as my heart wandered to wonder about why I was deprived of a father-son relationship, I was promptly reminded from the scripture that God is the father of the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). Jesus Christ addressed Almighty God as Holy Father (John 17:11) while affirming that He and the Father are One  (John 10:30).

But what kind of a father is Jesus/God?

He is a
Friend of the sinner (Matthew 11:19),
Alpha/the First (Revelation 1:8),
Teacher from God (John 3:2),
Holy (Mark 1:24),
Emmanuel/With us (Matthew 1:23) and a
Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4) on whom we can depend.

And to all who believe and receive Jesus, He gave them the power to be called the sons of God (John 1:12) and because we have received the Spirit of adoption, we can call God, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15). Our relationship with God is that of a father-son relationship only because of our Spiritual Father, Jesus Christ; it is by adoption, and not by ancestry.

And as children of God, what kind of father’s do we need to be?
We need to be
1. the friends of those who are lost (who have not believed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Father);
2. the first (alpha) to pass the baton of faith to our earthly children;
3. the teacher of the fear of the Lord;
4. holy as God the father is Holy;
5. always with and for our children and loved ones; and
6. the rock on which our children and loved ones can depend on.

John 1:12-13 (KJV)
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Ephesians 6:4 (KJV)
4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Name is Savior

Numbers 13:16 records that Moses rechristened the mighty military warrior Oshea (meaning Salvation) to Jehoshua (meaning Jehovah is Salvation). Jehoshua is commonly known as Joshua, who delivered (brought Salvation) Israel in 3 military campaigns from 30+ enemy armies. Though Joshua (Or Oshea) lead the military campaigns, he depended on Jehoshua and it was Jehoshua that was the Salvation for His people.

Matthew 1:21 records that the name that was ordained to be given to the Son of God, before his birth is Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. Luke 2:11, records that upon the birth of the Son of God, the promulgation stated that For us (unto you)  is born this day, in the City of David,  a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

Jesus said, I and the Father are One (John 10:30). We see this even in the Name – Savior. There is no other Savior besides the LORD God the Father (Isaiah 43:11) and Jesus means Savior. This accentuates the fact that Jehovah (God the Father) and Jesus are one in essence, with different personalities and the fact remains that God is Salvation and His name is Savior. I even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no Savior (Isaiah 43:11) and the Savior born is Christ (Jesus), the Lord.

As a good shepherd willingly lays down his life to snatch a sheep from the mouth of  a lion, Jesus (the Savior) laid down his life to snatch us (the sheep) from the mouth of a lion (the devil who is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour).  The life and death question now is this – Do you the Name? Do you know Jesus as your Savior? God will save you/me from your/my sin and the devil, if we ask him to. The Name is Savior.

I AM Alpha and Omega

In the revelation of Jesus Christ, the first I AM reference is to the reference of Jesus saying that “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending” (Revelation 1:8).  I have heard many call on Jesus and claim him to be the Alpha and the Omega and in the past, I have succumbed to calling on Jesus as the Alpha and Omega, without really understanding what this meant. As I pondered on this, I realized that at cursory review, a claim by someone that they are the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last is infact incongrous.  How can someone be the first and the last at the same time or in space? But as I delved deeper and sought the scriptures, it dawned on me that the incongruity lay in the fact that our limited human minds attempt to treat this statement from a temporal (time-bound) and spatial (space-bound) perspective. I came to realize there is more to this claim than our human minds can really comprehend.

For starters, the claim by Jesus that “I AM Alpha and Omega” speaks not only about the UNIQUENESS of Jesus (no one else can really make this claim), but also of His COMPLETENESS (akin to saying that I am the A-to-Z). Scholars have also attributed this saying to the ETERNAL attribute of God, from everlasting (beginning) to everlasting (ending), Jesus was, is and is to come and this is very valid.

But what really impressed me (upon deeper exploration) was the facts that I learned:

  • Jesus is the Alpha –  the firstborn (alpha) of all creation (Colossians 1:15), who was with God the Father in the Genesis (John 1:1), image of the invisible God, and everything was created by Him, of Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16-17).
  • Jesus is the Omega – the final (omega) sacrifice and there is no more a need for any more sacrifice for the atonement of the sinner to God (Hebrews 10:1-18). Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins, once and for all.  God does not seek anymore sacrifice because Jesus paid in full and finished the work (Tetelastai) of God’s redemptive plan to restore man/woman to God.

And even more impressive was that this claim in Revelation is also recorded in the book by the Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah 41:4 reads, “I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.”. Note, that the word LORD is a reference to Yahweh/Jehovah, meaning that the claim that God the Father is making is the same that Jesus claims. Remember, Jesus’ words, “I and the Father are one, and whoever has seen me has seen the Father”. Also note, how when God the Father is making this claim, he does not say that he is the last (because it was the Son of God who was the last (final) sacrifice), but instead He says that he is WITH the last”. If today, you and I find that we amount to nothing, that we are not winners, but instead the last, take solace in the promise that God is with the last, because of the redemptive act of his Son, Jesus Christ, who truly is the Firstborn and Final sacrifice, the Alpha and Omega.

Rev 1:8 (KJV)
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

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