To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Tag: New creation

Water – satisfying and purifying LORD

The fourth and final element in our series is Water.

Recently as I watched an episode of  “I shouldn’t be alive” covering the lives of certain folks lost at sea, and how their desires for water after the second or third day started to drive some members delusional leading eventually to their death as they hallucinated seeing land in the open ocean and trying to swim to it. This got me thinking about the length of term that one could possibly stay alive without drinking water and from the Holy Scriptures I read that for a period of forty days and forty nights, Moses did not eat any bread or drink water (Deuteronomy 9:9) as he went up to the mountain to receive the tablets of the covenant of the LORD. I wondered as to how Moses could have stayed alive and without being able to rationalize in a human sense, how this could have been possible, I had to remind myself of the words of Jesus, that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4) and that Jesus is the giver of living water and whoever drank of him shall thirst no more (John 4:14). It was the Water from the Rock (Jesus) that sustained and saved the Israelites as they trekked toward the promised land, led by God’s servant, Moses. (Numbers 20:7-11)

Water not only satisfy one’s thirst, but it also purifies (Number 31:23). When Naaman the leper immersed himself in water, his skin was purified and he was made into a new creation with skin as if it was like that of a child (2 Kings 5:14).

Just as water is essential for physical survival, Jesus, the Living water is essential for Spiritual survival. Despite the fact that the human body is composed 90% of water, we still need water to live. Despite the fact that we are made in the image of God, we need the expressed image of invisible God (Colossians 1:15), who is Jesus Christ to live eternally (John 3:16).

Jesus is THE ELEMENT, the LIVING WATER that satisfies and purifies us making us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) when we believe in Him.

The Name is Morning Star

In Revelation 22:16, Jesus proclaims that He is THE bright and Morning Star.  The New International Version and a few other translations, refer to Lucifer (the adversary) as the morning star (Isaiah 14:12) which is a misnomer. The King James version which is the closest to the original text renders this verse, which is more accurate as ‘O Lucifer, son of the morning’. Jesus is THE ONE and ONLY MORNING STAR.

Morning stars according to astronomy are stars that are visible mainly during the morning hours due to the nature of their orbits around the earth. Venus and Mercury are examples of morning stars and most of us have probably had the opportunity to see Venus against a back-lit sky. Morning stars signal what is to come (like the dawn or the change of seasons). What is also noteworthy is that unlike the sun that radiates (does not reflect), stars in addition to having light of their own, they reflect the light of the sun.

Jesus is THE bright and Morning Star who not only has light on His own (for He is the Light of the World), but He reflects the glory of God the Father (for He is the image of the invisible God). His presence signals the dawn of a new age (for He makes all things new); an age in which there is no need anymore for sacrifice to redeem man (as Jesus is the final sacrifice) and one in which man has direct access to God, those who are lame can walk in newness of life, the broken-hearted are healed, the captives are set free, sight is restored to those who cannot see, and all who are in bondage are liberated.

So where do we stand today? If you seek a new beginning, look unto Him in whom everyone becomes a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and who goes by The Name, bright and Morning Star.

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