Those in the technology industry are familiar with software that is labeled as freeware, which means that it costs the recipient nothing. In many cases, freeware is usually also shareware, which means that it is to be shared. But often, the recipient does not bother to share what they have freely received. In our Christian life, many of us Christians act in such manner as well. We hoard Jesus whom we have freely received instead of sharing Jesus with others, who don’t know or have Him.

One of the songs I learned when I was a child was the one by Carol Owens, “Freely, freely (God forgave my sin)”.
The lyrics of this song are as follows:
God forgave my sin, in Jesus’ Name. I’ve been born again in Jesus’ Name
and in Jesus’ Name, I come to you, to share His Love as He told me to.
He said: ‘Freely, freely, you have received; freely, freely give

Go in my Name and because you believe, others will know that I live’
All power is given in Jesus’ name, In earth and heaven in Jesus’ name
And in Jesus’ name I come to you; To share His power as He told me to.

I never paid much attention to the words of this song till recently, when I was reminiscing on what we, who believe in Jesus Christ, have received. We have received Jesus Christ, the most precious treasure of All, the very essence of God, and the possessor of ALL possessions. In other words, we have received everything one wants and needs when we believe in Jesus Christ. Freely, we have received, but this free gift did not come cheap, it came at a cost, which was equitable to the wages of death, a ransom that cost God, God. We have received it ALL from God at no cost to us but at all cost to the Blessed Triune Godhead. Jesus made himself of no reputation (in other words nothing) so that it wont cost us anything to be restored into a familial relationship with God.

When one receives a gift, it is not the gift that is important but the giver and God the giver of all things, gave us His Son freely. Why? So that we may give Him freely to those who know Him not, so that they can receive it ALL from God as well. Jesus said, ‘Freely, freely, ye have received, freely give’, and He meant every word of that command (Matthew 10:8b).

Matthew 10:7-8 (KJV)
7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.